Contest RULES
Download here the rules of the competition
1 . Any entry in the competition implies acceptance of the rules and the presence of the candidate on the day and time of the meeting.
2 . The competition is open to all applicants , regardless of age or nationality .
3 . Candidates have the opportunity to enroll into several levels by filling in the form for all these levels and paying the registration fee for each level.
4 . The organizers reserve the right to refuse entries , their number is limited.
5. Applications must be received NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 24TH, 2018. After this date they will be rejected. Incomplete applications shall be considered null and void.
6 . The registration fee will be refunded under any circumstances.
7 . Trials are public : the works will be carried out without recovery and memory (except for amateurs). DRESS desired concert.
8 . The jury reserves the right to interrupt the execution , if necessary.
9 . The jury reserves the right not to award all prizes.
10 . The jury’s decisions are final.
11 . Travel and accommodation costs , as well as their organization are the responsibility of candidates. However, you can deposit your application for a provided accommodation viewing informations here : View informations
We also recommend that you contact hostels : (Subscription and reduction possible)
12 . The registration is done online.
13 . All pictures, photos or videos of the applicants of “Résonances International” captured by the organizers of the competition during this event are the property of “Résonances International”. The competition “Résonances International” reserve the right of the free diffusion of this support.
14. Applicants must be covered by their liability insurance.
15. Applications for exemption on the age of candidates may be submitted to the competition and will be examined.
1 . Fill the following form :
ONLINE REGISTRATION2 . Make a bank transfer to the account of the association “Résonances International” :
National identification (RIB) :
bank code : 20041
branch code : 00001
Account number: 6997962L020
RIB key : 95
International recognition : (IBAN) FR53 2004 1000 0169 9796 2L02 095
International Bank identifier (BIC) : PSSTFRPPPAR
3 . Send an email to with proof of payment made.
4 . Scan a photo of the candidate and send with the same e-mail (preferred)
Add €10 in fees for sending the official invitation of the competition
Pre-category : €50
Category A : €60
Category B : €80
Category C : €100
Amateurs : €100
Singing : €100
The organizers offer to providing accommodation for the foreign candidates by written application. The accepted candidates will be accommodated for free by families and Diasporae.
To deposit your application, send by mail at the electronic address of the competition :
1. The copy both sides of a identities card
2. Your CV
In the case of allergies in pets, precise the origin of the allergies.